Pre- and Post-dermatology Treatment Guidelines
Your procedures will go more smoothly with faster healing time, less bruising and better results if you adhere to some simple guidelines.
Please take the time to read the guidelines for your particular procedure so you get the best results possible. All of our treatment guidelines are available on TouchMD. Dermal fillers are our most popular treatment, and following these simple before and after recommendations will give you the best results.
Important Dermal Filler Pre-treatment Instructions
To reduce the chance of bruising, avoid the following for 2 weeks prior to your treatment, unless prescribed by a doctor:
- Fish oil
- Aspirin
- Pain relievers (Tylenol Ok)
- Coumadin (get primary physician approval first)
- Glucosamine
- Ginkgo Biloba
- Garlic
- Vitamin E
- Exotic or herbal supplements
- If history of cold sore, please call our office and we will write you a prescription for Valtrex (anti-viral)
Have water and a little something to eat before arriving. We suggest you not eat right after treatments around the mouth – letting the product “settle” a few hours will give you the best results. PLEASE ARRIVE TO YOUR APPOINTMENT WITH NO MAKEUP.
After Care: Post-dermal Filler Treatment
- No alcohol for 24 hours after treatment
- No increased blood pressure (i.e., sauna, hot tub, exercise, cardio) for 4 hours post treatment (helps prevent bruising)
- It is recommended that makeup not be applied until 1 hour after treatment to allow the skin to breathe
- Avoid excessive facial expressions and strenuous exercise for 4 hours after your treatment. This helps the product “settle” without disturbing the location where it was injected.
- Do not rub or massage the area for 24 hours unless instructed to do so (Sculptra patients will receive instructions for massage.)
- Redness and swelling may last for 1-2 days
- There is a risk of bruising which is only temporary and can be covered up with makeup. If significant, please contact Summit Dermatology to schedule your complimentary laser treatment to speed up the recovery.
For additional details and to review other patient pre- and post-treatment guidelines, log on to your TouchMD account. Contact Summit Dermatology for your password.
If you have any questions or comments, or if you want to learn more about the services we provide, please call us at 360.918.8101 . For a consultation, or to setup an appointment click here.
Cosmetic Dermatologist Serving Olympia, Lacey, Tumwater, Tacoma, Puyallup, Gig Harbor, Centralia, Shelton, Federal Way & surrounding areas in Washington.